August 24, 2010


What can I say...
a fantastic weekend
away from LA.

A long road trip
brought us to Squaw
for music and mountains
and mostly yoga.

We took great pleasure
to document this
a video diary
of yogitoes bliss...
part 1

August 20, 2010

Greenpeace Tips to Reduce Personal Oil Consumption

In the wake of the ongoing catastrophe of the GULF OIL SPILL, lots of people have been asking how they can reduce their oil consumption in their daily lives.

We took a look at what GREENPEACE had to say and decided to post their list of
the top ten personal habits we can change:

1. Carpool, cycle or use public transport to go to work.
2. Choose when possible products packaged without plastic and recycle or re-use containers.
3. Buy organic fruits and vegetables (fertilizers and pesticides are based on oil more often than not).
4. Buy beauty products (shampoo, soap, make-up) based on natural ingredients, not oil.
5. Choose when possible locally produced products (less transport involved).
6. Buy clothes made out of organic cotton or hemp - not from oil derivatives.
7. Use non-disposable items in picnics and summer festivals.
8. Quit bottled water.
9. Fly less.
10. Demand that your government encourage renewable energy instead of subsidizing oil.

Want to know more ways you can help the planet? Sign up here for the Greenpeace newsletter.

(Click here to see original Greenpeace post.)