On a recent gorgeous sunny Santa Monica day the yogitoes crew took a field trip to one of the greenest buildings in the country…the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Robert Redford Building. Just a couple of blocks from the Santa Monica Pier, the NRDC’s Southern California headquarters houses The David Family Environmental Action Center (named for supporter Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm) and The Leonardo DiCaprio e-Activism Zone. This walk-in exhibit space and shop exists to raise the awareness of critical environmental issues and to empower citizens to protect our natural resources. The rest of the three-story building is where the action happens… it is where NRDC’s team of lawyers and scientists work, the people who I have invested in to fight for better laws, safe and preserved environments, and a better world for all living creatures.
The NRDC gives free tours of their building, upon which was bestowed a LEED® platinum level recognition in green function and design. Every aspect was considered in planning and construction; from the source and type of materials, water and energy used, to the energy expenditure in transporting to the building site. As a result, the building uses 60 – 70% less energy and 60% water than a conventional office of the same size. It features more local resources so fewer emissions are generated and less energy is used.
We were shown every corner of the building from the rooftop to the bowels of the basement. The building’s rooftop is white to counteract the heat island effect present in cities, where dark roofs cause temperatures to rise 5 –7%. Solar panels are also present providing 20% of the building’s energy. Rooftop vents release hot air that has risen inside the building while skylights and an open floor plan below allow natural light to move down two levels reducing the use for most artificial light.
The wood used throughout the building is sourced from fast growing and replenishable and sustainably managed forests (for example poplar and bamboo forests cut in sections so that wildlife can still exist).
Groutless rooftop tiles allow rainwater to seep down into a collection system. Once processed, it is used for toilets, sinks, and showers (provided to the employees as biking to work is encouraged) and though the water IS drinkable the city currently doesn’t allow it (an example of old rules and regulations not quite keeping up with new technology).
Other fabulous ways the building maintains green status are…
- Motion sensored lighting in offices that turn off when you leave.
- Each office has it’s own air-conditioning thermostat to help conserve energy.
- Sensored windows that, when opened, automatically signal the air-conditioning to turn off.
- The use of transom windows over doors allow air to move through the building.
- No-water urinals are used.
- Marlomeum flooring, made from linseed resin, is used in place of linoleum and is better for the environment.
- Furniture and floor covering come from companies that use recycled materials without sacrificing aesthetics (see Knoll, Bentley Prince St.).
- Drought resistant plants are planted on the property.
- The exterior of the building is constructed with ‘hardiplank’, a mixture of sawdust and concrete which by nature is fire and termite resistant.
- This location was chosen because it is in a busy pedestrian center and the mass transit system can easily be taken advantage of.
"Using advanced but off-the-shelf technology, this building shows it's possible to protect our natural environment, achieve greater energy independence, and also save money."
The NRDC was founded in 1970 by lawyers who saw an imminent need to defend the environment. Its mission today states: The mission of the Natural Resources Defense Council is to safeguard the earth: its people, its plants and animals, ad the natural systems on which all life depends. Now it is the most effective environmental organization in the nation, supported by over 1 million members. You can find out more about his incredible organization at www.nrdc.org and www.savebiogems.org.
May 22, 2009
Sri K. Patthabi Jois (July 1915- May 2009 and beyond...)
May 7, 2009
JAI UTTAL - Kirtan / CD release party

Jai Uttal was our leader, or Kirtanwala this Saturday evening... Telling short stories and anecdotes between songs, he began by explaining that he was unaware until that very afternoon that this Kirtan was a "CD release party" and he had gone back and forth in his head as to whether or not to perform his Westernized music from his new CD 'Thunder Love' in which he forgoes the traditional harmonium, playing a guitar and singing in English... He blamed his being a Gemini as the culprit of his indecision... After playing several more traditional pieces, and with plenty of excitement and coercion from the audience, he moved aside the harmonium and to my surprise, picked up a Banjo! A guitar I was expecting, but a Banjo I was not. He explained that the Banjo was his first love as a child, and as he began to lull us with his melodic tunes and poignant lyrics, the banjo seemed irreplaceable as a component to his beautiful music... Anyone who was dubious of this western Kirtan with English words, was soon wrapped up in this music as much as his traditional Kirtan, which he flowed back into for the last part of the evening. The whole event was so joyous... As the pace, tempo, and volume accelerated during each chant, I felt utterly compelled to jump up and dance, which I found most of the entire studio felt too. It was hot, sweaty, and entrancing. Audience members pulled out their own instruments, found their own harmonies, and made the experience their own, adding to the love and divine light each person in the room added to this cosmic blast of brightness that surrounded us. As the Kirtan came to a close, with the vibrational residue still spinning in our souls,

Photo #1 (above) right to left, Jai Uttal onstage with a phenomenal singer, who's name I do not know, and Daniel Paul...
Photo #2 (right) right to left Zan Roberts(me), Susan Nichols, and Heather McCall with eyes still glowing after the Kirtan..
May 1, 2009
Fifteen Yogic Reasons to Join a Beach Clean-up
While participating in a beach clean-up this past weekend sponsored by Aveda and DEEP, benefiting the Surfrider Foundation, I realized that THIS was yet another way of practicing yoga… while reaping some added benefits!
Here are fifteen yogic reasons to join a beach clean-up:
1. It creates a safer beach for adults and kids.
2. It creates a safer environment for other living beings – land, sky and water.
3. You get to breathe all those negative ions in that ocean air.
4. Your body absorbs it’s daily dose of vitamin D from the sun (but don’t forget your sunscreen).
5. It’s a real eye-opener to what is happening to the environment in our own backyard (you wouldn’t believe what you come across AND the sheer amount of it).
6. It is great exercise for the feet and legs.
7. You get a FREE foot exfoliation!
8. You get to practice ahimsa – non-violence, towards mother earth.
9. You get to practice satya – honesty, and svadyaya – self study, as you ask yourself “what part of this mess did I play”?
10. You get to practice asteya – non-stealing, as you help to give back a healthy home to the ocean dwellers.
11. You get to practice saucha – cleanliness, extending this concept beyond what you label “me” and “mine”.
12. It is a wonderful walking meditation to the soundtrack of gently crashing waves and singing gulls.
13. Your heart feels warm as passers by smile, thanking you for your efforts.
14. You feel sense a unity consciousness.
15. Lunch afterwards tastes so much better!
Stay tuned for a yogitoes sponsored beach clean-up in the future…
Here are fifteen yogic reasons to join a beach clean-up:
1. It creates a safer beach for adults and kids.
2. It creates a safer environment for other living beings – land, sky and water.
3. You get to breathe all those negative ions in that ocean air.
4. Your body absorbs it’s daily dose of vitamin D from the sun (but don’t forget your sunscreen).
5. It’s a real eye-opener to what is happening to the environment in our own backyard (you wouldn’t believe what you come across AND the sheer amount of it).
6. It is great exercise for the feet and legs.
7. You get a FREE foot exfoliation!
8. You get to practice ahimsa – non-violence, towards mother earth.
9. You get to practice satya – honesty, and svadyaya – self study, as you ask yourself “what part of this mess did I play”?
10. You get to practice asteya – non-stealing, as you help to give back a healthy home to the ocean dwellers.
11. You get to practice saucha – cleanliness, extending this concept beyond what you label “me” and “mine”.
12. It is a wonderful walking meditation to the soundtrack of gently crashing waves and singing gulls.
13. Your heart feels warm as passers by smile, thanking you for your efforts.
14. You feel sense a unity consciousness.
15. Lunch afterwards tastes so much better!
Stay tuned for a yogitoes sponsored beach clean-up in the future…
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