June 23, 2010

Inspired to Leap

hello everyone!

this is my first time blogging!  VERY exciting!!  my team has been VERY patient with me encouraging gently to extend my energy into the social matrix of the new paradigm.  as an Aquarian, you would have thought that I would have leaped into cyberspace long ago, however I had resistance to it pondering how I would be able to maintain a balance of sacredness.

when I would inquire, "what would I blog about?" my team would respond, "whatever you are up to!  people want to hear about your life!"  REALLY?  I would then smile and say, "I trust a divine moment will appear, and I will then be inspired to blog!"  they would all roll their eyes and give me THAT grin of...YEP!

WELL... THAT divine moment appeared, inspired by... a GRASSHOPPER!

this morning I was dressing... and found myself gravitating to a new combination that I have not worn before. I went to see how it looked in the mirror, and SPOTTED a beautiful grasshopper looking up at me from my belt buckle!!!

"WELL, HELLO grasshopper, where did you come from?" I said as I reached for my iPHONE to document this EXTRA-ordinary moment.
"the garden"  it answered.

I walked outside and as I placed my hand next to it, it immediately hopped into my palm.  "HERE, you can hang with GANESHA" and I moved my hand towards the statue...

instead of taking my lead, it started walking up my arm.  "IS there something you want to tell me grasshopper?" 
it then HOPPED onto my shoulder, and onto my head next to my ear!
"WOW"... I thought.

"WELL, I'm going to go meditate now, do you care to join me?" I offered. 
"yes, please!"

as I made my way into the room, and got comfy on my mSEAT, I reached for the book that I currently have sitting on the alter... SPIRITUAL WARRIOR: The Art of Spiritual Living by John Roger.

 I asked the book" WHAT would grasshopper like to tell me?" and I opened to the first page of chapter 10...

Tips For Travelers

The only thing you can do to the planet is the best you can.
The people on the earth do it the best they can, and then they say it wasn't the best they could.
And then they worry about that.
Because they could have done better.
And if they are given another chance they will do it the same way the second time too. 
And a third, and a forth, and a fifth, and sixth.
What you might say to them is, "if you could have done better, you would have done better and you did the best you could."

I said, "AW grasshopper - very wise."  at that moment I was transported back in time when I lived in a convent in my early twenties (my aunt is a nun).  She would always say that same mantra to me.  A wise compassionate woman she is.

after meditation, I had this incredible sense of peace and infiniteness... a beautiful exchange of energy with the grasshopper.

in that openness I had my divine moment and said "GRASSHOPPER thank you for showing up - you have inspired me to blog about our time together!" 

SO I got my laptop and made a cup of green tea ... and off to the garden I went with the grasshopper STILL on my head!

I was thinking about the symbolisms and what the grasshopper totem meant aside from the 'Disney version'... so I Googled it:

The grasshopper chooses those of us who are innovators, forward-thinkers, and those who progress in life by unorthodox methods. This is because grasshopper symbolism recognizes tremendous leaps of faith, impressive jumps in progress and consistent forward momentum. Those with this totem are likely to aim high, and achieve amazing feats – they take great leaps where others fear to tread (or jump, in this case).

I acknowledged the grasshopper saying "thank you, you have helped me take a leap of faith adventuring into my first blog!"

I put my hand out and the grasshopper leaped into my hand and then onto a nearby fern. 


Blogged by yogitoes founder Susan Nichols


  1. ahhhh......now my friends will understand why working with you is so magical!! I am grateful to the grasshopper :)

  2. what a great moment that grasshopper chose to come into your life...bringing deep thought and inspiration into a normal morning routine. And since you have now shared this with us, it is an inspiration to me to not just move the grasshopper to the outdoors, but to savor a moment that has deeper meaning.

  3. The Summer Day

    Who made the world?
    Who made the swan, and the black bear?
    Who made the grasshopper?
    This grasshopper, I mean-
    the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
    the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
    who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
    who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
    Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
    Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
    I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
    I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
    into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
    how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
    which is what I have been doing all day.
    Tell me, what else should I have done?
    Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
    Tell me, what is it you plan to do
    with your one wild and precious life?
    ~ Mary Oliver
